The Pencils Story

Not ordinary pencils
Well, It's raining now and although this week I get long weekend (started from Thursday), there are several papers that wait for me. I must stay awake and I need refreshment. Suddenly I remembered with this blog...if this is a room maybe I will find many spider-webs here.
This month, I don't have special occasion except attending my friend weeding every weekend (If I have enough courage, I will make one post about that). So, I just want to share the story about my pencils.
For the last three months, I never buy my pencils by myself but I also didn't get all of them for free. To have them, I must stayed almost 5 hours (maybe 4.5 hours) and let my brain boiled. Because of some reason, I must took several examination and because of fairness reason, I couldn't bring anything to the exam room.
Although that was hard for me (but I like to have many pencils because I prefer to use them rather than pen), like one of song that I have heard before (maybe from the song entitled 'I'll be back), everything's happen for reason. Also refers to my senior facebook update, when you think to give up, think again the reason why you started (the original quote is similar with that).
Have a nice weekend guys and don't attend the wrong wedding (even all of them have the same "janur kuning") ^__^
