Into the Wild (Part 2)

As I promised you before, now I write down the second part of my trip story to deep swamp forest. In the first part, I told you the challenges that we faced to reach our destination in KM 10 SSI canal area. This post will contain what kind of trip that you will have based on my lack experience.
SSI Canal and my trip (the red line)

My purpose went to that place wasn't for tourism activity but still I could made it like went to vacation. Right after arrived on KM 10 camp and had lunch, we started our duty, made transect for vegetation analysis. Because I already selected the starting point of our transect ( the starting point was 450 meter from the camp) so we should went to the starting point before making the plot. And the story began, just for reached that point, I took 30 minutes to walk. At the beginning, I could walked and in the end, I still couldn't. My senior said that it took much experiences to be able   to walk in peat forest without single brush and scar (nice advice). In the next day, I decided to go 15 minutes earlier than others but still in the half way they already right behind me. Just for your information, based on Wetland peat depth classification, this location has peat depth between 400 to 500 centimeters.

On the way to SSI camp
In the silence of the forest, although have been cut of 8 years ago, still I could find the hidden beauty of nature. Because there is no logging activity, this peat forest is growing slowly but sure.


The Nepenthes 

Other Nepenthes

The Orchid

The trees
One of live action that run in Sebangau area is reforestation. There are thousand hectares of peat land in Sebangau that need to be planted with local species (remember, don't introduce alien species into conservation area).

SSI Nursery
Hopefully Sebangau National Park can receive more attention as the remain peat forest in Central Kalimantan.


  1. Hoo~ sebangau yaa? more pictures! more! more! hohoho~ :D

  2. seems like u definitely enjoy ur life. many others dreams can work like u, with honest passion. how lucky u are my lovely sister :)


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