Have you make your resolution for 2013?

So, ready or not...less than one month we will arrive in the new year, 2013...
My friend ever told me that I must make some list for my resolution every year and honestly, I never do that. My friend ever gave me the example for making resolution and even with that I found my self still have blur vision. I realized that everything must be have a goal, include what I will do in a year so that I can evaluate my self, have I done everything as best as I can or not? What achievement that I already got? Did I make many failures and how I overcome that problem.
Maybe I can start from write down everything that I have done this year, and what I want to do next year...
Plan is important although not everything will be done according to that plan but still preparation is necessary.
Let's think about our resolution and what we will do to make that happen. I already have one in my mind... fill my green book with the stamp (coz this year, I only use it for taking exams).
