Arisan - not only about monetary

- a form of Rotating Savings and Credit Association in Indonesian culture, a form of Microfinance 

Well, I never realized that this culture is one of unique culture from my country because I grew by watching my mother and neighborhood ladies doing it on a regular basis. Even my father won a nice cooking set for my mother from 'arisan'. The most touching thing is part of our tuition fees up to bachelor degree were payed from arisan (thanks for my lovely mom). My first arisan is when I was in high school. At that time, I really want to buy a face off helmet for my self because I was used the helmet from the dealer (which was not cool at all) but I was afraid to ask for money from my parent. Thanks to that arisan so I finally could buy my dreamed helmet (in green color).
But then, when I stepped out from my border and got to know other nation cultures, I realized that 'arisan' is kind of our cultural heritage. I am still involve in one arisan until now which part of my same-hometown university alumni to keep in touch (soo sweet ㅠㅠ). Last year, after a long waiting (more than a year), in the end of the first round, finally it was my turn to get 'arisan', but this year I was little bit lucky because I won arisan in the middle round (not so bad). More than winning, I thought that through this way, we are able to connect and to share even though now many of us are live far from each other. However, there is nothing 100% pure in the world except the new born baby, as the time goes by, some of arisan also have shady things behind (type in google and you will find a lot of type of arisan) so you need to always be careful before involving in one of arisan. BIG PRICE often come with big risk.
