after first then it's second

I don't want to write some math post (maybe never) ... I just want to share may I say 'one of my most confusion moment' that I have in my life so far. It was around 5 years ago when I first wore the long black gown for my graduation day. It took me 4 1/2 years to wear it and woke up very early in the morning to literally wore it.

And after 5 years, I once again wore the similar gown, not completely black but still had same vibe in very different setting. I was traveled for more than 5000 km from the first place, living far from my family for 2 years and many first experiences.

For this second time, I was alone without my parents but above all people in this world, I dedicated this moment for them. Thank you that I am your daughter and no matter how silly and unsure are my decisions, you always believe in me in the end.

- because we have a dream and we tried to make that dream
  come true otherwise it will just your fantasy -
